Tir Na Nog Irish Dance of PA
From their website [1]:
Based in Central Pennsylvania, Tir Na Nog Irish Dance has been in operation for over 15 years. Classes are offered to children (age 5 and up) through adults in Altoona, Lewisburg, and State College. Students have the opportunity to perform at local events throughout the year. Tir Na Nog has performed at the Bellefonte Children's Fair, Huntingdon MayFest, Hollidaysburg Pumpkin Festival, PA 4th Fest, plus many others; they have performed at State College Spikes, Altoona Curve, and Williamsport Crosscutter baseball games. They have been privileged to perform with world-renowned artists Cherish the Ladies, Eileen Ivers, and The Chieftains. Students are also able to compete in Irish dancing competitions called Feisanna if they choose. Competitions are held throughout the year.
Teacher: Sue Garner, TCRG
Association: CLRG
Email: tirnanogofpa@gmail.com