Spokane Haran Irish Dance

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From their website [1]:

Spokane’s longest-running Irish Dance School, The Haran School of Irish Dance was founded in Kettle Falls by Deirdre Abeid. The Spokane and Kettle Schools are run to this day by her daughters Caitlin Trusler and Claire Worley. The teachers, dancers, and families of The Haran School of Irish Dance are pleased and proud to be a part of the community of Irish dancing in the Pacific Northwest and the Western US Region. Each and every dancer at Haran is valued for the contribution they make to the school through their participation, and our small class sizes and attentive Instructors encourage dancers' personal growth while fostering lifelong friendships and a love of dance. The Haran School of Irish Dance is a Certified Irish Dance School and has a unique and beautiful style that has led our dancers to excel in Regional, National and World Competitions. Our Instructors are excellent coaches for all dancers interested in competing and working their way up to the highest levels of competitive Irish Dancing.

Association: CLRG

Email: SpokaneHaranIrishDance@gmail.com