Heritage Irish Dance Company

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From their website [1]:

At the Heritage Irish Dance Company, classes are open to boys and girls aged 2 and a half and up and are a great way for them to be active, challenge their minds and bodies and make new friends! Irish dance classes at the Heritage Irish Dance Company will teach your child self-confidence, stage presence, coordination, discipline, and time management.

Once proficient in the basics of solo Irish step dancing, your child will be encouraged to take part in ceili classes as well. Ceili (pronounced kay-lee, an Irish word meaning group dance) dancing is a great way for your child to learn and understand the importance of teamwork.

While we strongly encourage our dancers to compete in local, regional, and international competitions, we always have room in our classes for those who choose not to. We also encourage more advanced dancers to learn choreography for performances. At the Heritage Irish Dance Company, your intermediate or advanced dancer will also have the benefit of learning from guest teachers from other disciplines to help improve and enhance their Irish dance technique.

Irish dance is our passion at the Heritage Irish Dance Company! With a strong emphasis on traditional technique, fitness, and flexibility, your dancer will not only learn how to Irish dance, but he or she will also learn the importance of hard work and tenacity.

Teachers: Amy Siegel Loxley, ADCRG, James P. Friel, ADCRG, Theresa Zimmer, TCRG, Brianna Kostecka, TCRG & Meghan Epperly, TCRG

Association: CLRG

Email: info@heritageirishdance.com